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So many questions...How do you get a podcast up and running? What recording software and equipment do you need? What about music and editing? How can it help my business? How can you find an build an audience?


Capital Podcast is here to help you, every step of the way.


Following an impressive radio and TV career in the nation's capital, spanning over 20 years, Steve Warne already knew all about quality sound, digital audio editing/processing and the high level content that makes for a great show. He then spent many years training and learning about the best podcast services, strategies, equipment and practices. He discovered what works and what doesn't, and with that knowledge, tied it all together and started Capital Podcast.

Steve and his team can help you with everything – from a quick consultation to providing you with your own personal producer to handling absolutely everything for you.

  • remote recording, editing, mixing, processing, uploading

  • mic and equipment selection

  • hosting site and online recording application 

  • artwork creation - Apple WILL reject you if you don't do it right

  • getting the podcast on all the other major players like Spotify, Google 

  • show structure and launch strategy

  • music of your choice for intro, bridges, extro 

  • professional male/female voice/hosts available

  • strategies to help listeners find your podcast and becomes regular listeners

  • a one hour consultation to discuss your podcast plan and answer questions

Capital Podcast can help you can start your own high quality podcast from anywhere that has wifi, further building your brand and network.  

Steve Warne
Capital Podcast Founder
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